Spot Pal's Leading Provider


Causes and concerns of a tongue thrust

The term tongue thrust is becoming more commonly used, but did you know some underlying causes of an abnormal anterior motion…

The importance of proper tongue resting posture

The most optimal resting posture for the tongue is the tongue tip at the incisive papilla with the rest of the…

The risks and complications of prolonged thumb sucking

Thumb sucking is a common and natural phenomenon that occurs from birth until early infancy. However, this habit is typically eliminated…

The harmful impact of an abnormal anterior motion of the tongue. 

An abnormal anterior motion of the tongue can cause difficulties with chewing, swallowing, and articulating certain sounds accurately. It can also…

The Effects of Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a condition that involves the involuntary habit of grinding teeth or clenching the jaw. This condition affects a…

The Power of Lingual Strength

Did you know that lingual strength is required for proper chewing and swallowing? Lingual muscles help move food within our mouths…

Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal breathing

What is the difference between nasal breathing and mouth breathing? Nasal breathing is proper breathing as it helps filter out allergens…

Spot Pal Original vs Speech Pal and The Effect on Speech

Spot Pal was designed to train the tongue into a proper resting position and to combat problems such as mouth breathing,…

How Spot Pal Modifies Myofunctional Therapy

If you or someone you know currently receives myofunctional therapy, Spot Pal can be a great tool to help you achieve…

Prolonged bottle use 

The recommended age for the extinction of bottle use is 12 months of age, but a lot of times it can…

Spot Pal and Appearance 

Did you know that the resting posture of the tongue and mouth can affect appearance? Improper resting posture can lead to…

What Are The Benefits of Tongue Pokes?

Spot Pal is a custom-fit tongue training device intended to teach proper tongue resting posture and eliminate tongue thrusting and sucking…

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is the most optimal way of breathing. Did you know your nose is a filter? It filters out dust,…

The improvements of speech, feeding, and sleep after a lingual frenectomy

Recent studies have suggested that restricted tongue movement can contribute to speech, feeding, and sleep difficulties. A restricted tongue prevents the…

How The Spot Pal Can Help Eliminate Thumb Sucking

Did you know thumb sucking can affect your oral cavity and affect how your tongue rests in your mouth if it…

How can myofunctional therapy and Spot Pal help with TMD

TMD, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that often causes pain in the jaw and face. Over time…

How can Spot Pal improve chewing and swallowing skills?

A major part of proper chewing and swallowing skills is the strength and range of motion of the tongue. This is…

Spot Pal and Restless Sleeping 

Did you know that mouth posture can affect the quality of your sleep? Many individuals experience restless sleeping which is characterized…

How does Spot Pal support speech intelligibility?

Did you know that the tongue is one of the most important articulators in your mouth? In fact, the range of…

How does Spot Pal improve athletic performance and fitness? 

When considering using a tongue training appliance, one’s mind may not typically associate improvement in athletic performance as a benefit. However,…

What Can I Do About My Child’s Articulation Errors If They Have a Tongue Tie? 

If you are noticing your child’s speech sounds are distorted where it seems that their tongue is just not in the…

How Do My Child’s Lingual  Muscles Affect Their Chewing and Swallowing?

Believe it or not we all use our lingual muscles to assist us with moving the food in our mouths. For…

Can My Child Be a Candidate for Spot  Pal and also Myofunctional Therapy?

Yes, your child may be a candidate for both Spot Pal and Myofunctional therapy depending on their background history and current…

Why am I experiencing sleep disturbance?

If you or your child are experiencing symptoms related to a sleep disturbance then this is the place for you. Sleep…

Tongue Position and its Impact on Feeding 

Have you observed any difficulties during mealtime? Key components of aversions to certain foods/textures typically stem from sensory components or inability…

Sleep Studies

Why might your provider recommend a sleep study? A sleep study is conducted to monitor specific areas of your body during…

Orthodontic Intervention

Why may we need an orthodontic consult and what may it entail? Typically, we associate going to the orthodontist when nearly…

Possible Myofunctional Team Members 

Who may be a part of your myofunctional care team? We have discussed what myofunctional therapy is and you may be…

Prolonged Sippy-Cup Use

What are the effects of prolonged sippy-cup use? A sippy-cup is a closed lid cup with a small, hard spout for…

Teeth Grinding: Understanding, Prevention, and Treatment for Patients and Parents

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that can affect people of all ages, including children. This involuntary…

What is a Lisp?

Lisping is a common speech concern that can affect both children and adults. It’s characterized by difficulty in accurately producing sounds,…

Tongue positioning and sleep quality

Did you know that the way you position your tongue can have an impact on the quality of your sleep? Tongue…

Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Discover the Power of Spot Pal Appliance

When it comes to excelling in sports, every advantage matters. One often underestimated factor that can profoundly influence an athlete’s performance…

Why is mouth breathing bad for you?

Mouth breathing can have negative effects on our health and wellbeing for several reasons: Dry Mouth: Breathing through the mouth can…

What is a tongue thrust?

A tongue thrust, also known as an orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD), is a condition where the tongue protrudes or pushes against…

What are tongue exercises and why are they important?

Our tongue is a powerful muscle that plays a crucial role in many essential functions, including speaking, swallowing, and even breathing.…

Why tongue resting posture is important?

The tongue is a powerful muscle that plays an important role in various functions such as speaking, swallowing, and even breathing.…

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on improving the function of the muscles used in speech, swallowing, and…

What are the effects of prolonged thumb-sucking?

Thumb sucking is a common habit amongst infants and young children, but do we know the lasting effects on tongue posture…

How can Myofunctional therapy in conjunction with Spot Pal help enhance facial attractiveness?

Myofunctional therapy focuses on optimizing the function of the muscles in the face, mouth, and throat, which can have a direct…

Mastering Speech Articulation: The Role of the Spot Pal Appliance

Mastering Speech Articulation: The Role of the Spot Pal Appliance One of the various functions the Spot Pal appliance is designed…

Myofunctional Therapy for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)

Myofunctional Therapy for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing pain, discomfort, and difficulty…

Mastering Speech Articulation: The Role of the Spot Pal Appliance

Mastering Speech Articulation: The Role of the Spot Pal Appliance One of the various functions the Spot Pal appliance is designed…

Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Discover the Power of Spot Pal Appliance

When it comes to excelling in sports, every advantage matters. One often underestimated factor that can profoundly influence an athlete’s performance…

Tongue positioning and sleep quality

Did you know that the way you position your tongue can have an impact on the quality of your sleep? Tongue…

How can Myofunctional therapy in conjunction with Spot Pal help enhance facial attractiveness?

Myofunctional therapy focuses on optimizing the function of the muscles in the face, mouth, and throat, which can have a direct…

What are the effects of prolonged thumb-sucking?

Thumb sucking is a common habit amongst infants and young children, but do we know the lasting effects on tongue posture…

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on improving the function of the muscles used in speech, swallowing, and…

Why tongue resting posture is important?

The tongue is a powerful muscle that plays an important role in various functions such as speaking, swallowing, and even breathing.…

What are tongue exercises and why are they important?

Our tongue is a powerful muscle that plays a crucial role in many essential functions, including speaking, swallowing, and even breathing.…

What is a tongue thrust?

A tongue thrust, also known as an orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD), is a condition where the tongue protrudes or pushes against…

Why is mouth breathing bad for you?

Mouth breathing can have negative effects on our health and wellbeing for several reasons: Dry Mouth: Breathing through the mouth can…