Spot Pal's Leading Provider


Spot Pal and Appearance 

Did you know that the resting posture of the tongue and mouth can affect appearance? Improper resting posture can lead to differences within the mouth and even the way your face develops. When the tongue is resting too low within the mouth it can lead to a high and narrow palate and consequently reduces the […]

What Are The Benefits of Tongue Pokes?

Spot Pal is a custom-fit tongue training device intended to teach proper tongue resting posture and eliminate tongue thrusting and sucking habits. The Spot Pal device has a part called tongue pokes. These tongue pokes help remind the tongue to not push against the teeth and aid in eliminating any non-nutritive sucking habits. Specifically, the […]

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is the most optimal way of breathing. Did you know your nose is a filter? It filters out dust, bacteria, viruses, and other airborne particles from inhaled air. Sensors in your nose can also release antimicrobial chemicals, such as cathelicidins when detecting microbes in the air. It humidifies and pressurizes as you breathe […]

The improvements of speech, feeding, and sleep after a lingual frenectomy

Recent studies have suggested that restricted tongue movement can contribute to speech, feeding, and sleep difficulties. A restricted tongue prevents the tongue from resting on the palate. The lack of proper placement of the tongue, especially during sleep, causes the tongue to fall into the pharynx at night and restricts the airway. This leads to […]

How The Spot Pal Can Help Eliminate Thumb Sucking

Did you know thumb sucking can affect your oral cavity and affect how your tongue rests in your mouth if it is done past the expected age? Prolonged thumb sucking can contribute to a high and narrow palate, or roof of the mouth, which negatively impacts the amount of room for the tongue to rest […]

How can myofunctional therapy and Spot Pal help with TMD

TMD, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that often causes pain in the jaw and face. Over time these disorders can strain the muscles, ligaments, and nerves in the jaw. Symptoms of TMD include jaw pain, clicking of the jaw when opening and closing the mouth, and jaw locking. Some patients report […]

How can Spot Pal improve chewing and swallowing skills?

A major part of proper chewing and swallowing skills is the strength and range of motion of the tongue. This is because the chewing mechanism involves several steps the tongue carries out. The tongue manipulates the food within the oral cavity through lateralizing it to both sides of the mouth during mastication or chewing. Additionally, […]

Spot Pal and Restless Sleeping 

Did you know that mouth posture can affect the quality of your sleep? Many individuals experience restless sleeping which is characterized by symptoms such as: snoring, tossing and turning, teeth grinding and prolonged bed wetting in children. Additionally, symptoms like these and many others affect one’s ability to attend throughout the day due to poor […]

How does Spot Pal support speech intelligibility?

Did you know that the tongue is one of the most important articulators in your mouth? In fact, the range of motion, strength and placement of the tongue heavily impact an individual’s speech intelligibility and ability to produce specific sounds. For example, many sounds in English such as: /t, d, n, l, s, z, sh, […]

How does Spot Pal improve athletic performance and fitness? 

When considering using a tongue training appliance, one’s mind may not typically associate improvement in athletic performance as a benefit. However, the tongue resting posture plays a very important role in reaching one’s athletic potential. This is because tongue resting posture impacts our ability to breathe properly. Incorrect resting posture of the tongue such as […]